David, while protesting the views and comments of others you frequently use words like “scary” and “fear.” Yet most of your comments are designed and articulated to promote fear.
Just this one quote from your current letter proves the point:
“This partisan political campaign is deceptively clever, centered on the words “trust” and “fear”. We are told to trust whomever TrustIslanders! supports and to fear everyone else. It uses fear tactics to pit friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor These are not our community values!”.
Fear of those individuals and groups who see things differently than you do. You rail against those whose values are truly noble. In them runs a deep and compassionate love of their fellow citizens and community. Day after day I watch these wonderful patriots express their passion and views for this C...ounty with love and civility. While on the other hand, day after day I read rude and uncivil personal attacks on their good names and organizations. Rarely, in my experience, have you come to this table to state your case with respect, supported by accurate fact or a desire for an informed exchange of ideas.
“They may be legal, but are they democratic and ethical?” Absolutely! Grouping like-minded people together to support candidates and causes has always been the way. There are many examples here in SJC and around the world. Unions, nonprofits and many other types of organizations band together to raise awareness for their issues, raise funds to support the cause and get the message out.
I personally see this only as an attempt by you to silence or without merit discredit citizens of this County who are only exercising the rights guaranteed them under the First Amendment.
“Most of the founders and supporters of TrustIslanders! are supporters of the SJC County Republican Party and the Common Sense Alliance.” Okay, so what?
“The latter is not permitted by law to endorse candidates itself.” That’s right and it doesn’t. What your point?