The next “Meet the Deputies” gathering will be on Monday, April 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.
The agenda:
The following topics will be addressed:
–drug use and alcoholism — qualifying for and accessing treatment services;
–underage marijuana and hallucinogen use, teen drug houses;
–partnerships among the Sheriff’s department, EMTs and mental health resources;
–informing general community, all residents, of Crisis Line number for mental health emergencies;
–means of dealing with people who “act strange” or make us uncomfortable and how to prevent escalation of erratic behavior into violence;
– a high school class that needs community funding: Neurobiology and Drug Addiction.
Go to this link for more information.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Let's Talk Civility in Commenting and Editorial Bias
Here is another fascinating dialogue concerning “civility in
commenting” from Orcas Issues.
Here is the link of the current post
Comments have been removed from the original link above, I will post them in their entirety here for you to read.
Comments have been removed from the original link above, I will post them in their entirety here for you to read.
(This is a “copy/paste” from ORCAS ISSUES” before the editor removed the final comments.)
April 7th, 2013
By Susan McBain
Yesterday afternoon I attended the
Eagle Forum’s candidate forum to hear all six County Council candidates answer
questions on a variety of subjects. I thought all gave good answers and showed
impressive knowledge of different aspects of the issues. But my main impression
was, these are all good, smart, concerned people who would do their best for
the county as a whole. At one point I thought, I wish we could have all six of
them, as together they represent almost all the constituencies in San Juan
I’m concerned and saddened at the
over-the-top negative feelings being expressed in this election. Yes, the
candidates have different perspectives, but there wasn’t a wild-eyed radical of
any stripe at that table. They’ve all got common sense and experience in how
our society works, and they respect how it works. I had the sense they all
respected each other too. I fear we’ve let the current ugly national temper of
all-or-nothing intolerance infect our island culture. It’s not right, it’s not
useful, and it’s not the way to reach good outcomes for the whole community.
Civility isn’t just pleasant, it’s necessary for a wholesome society. It’s easy
really: we all just need to follow the Golden Rule.
April 7th, 2013
Comments on Guest Editorial: Eagle Forum Showed Six Good Candidates
Susan, I
too attended the forum and agree that all 6 candidates are smart and concerned
people who will do what is “their best” in reference to our County if elected.
I respectfully disagree that all gave good answers and showed impressive
knowledge of different aspects of the issues.
I too am concerned and saddened concerning the dialogue in this election. Therefore I must take issue with your comments on feelings, intolerance and civility. Any candidates past and current beliefs will affect how they will govern and it is our responsibility as citizens and voters to question those beliefs. Those queries are not “over-the-top feelings” or “all-or-nothing intolerance”, but the questions of concerned citizens seeking truth and information in a civil dialogue.
For example, in response to presenting facts concerning Lisa Byers stated beliefs past and current, I and others have been referred to as “smear-tactic”, “Joe McCarthy Era”, “inaccurate and inflammatory” and “mud-slinging and innuendo.” The last 2 come from Byers herself. Jamie Stevens considers questioning facts about the CAO as “fear mongering.” At the forum last Saturday both Pratt and Stevens outwardly attacked those who publicly question their beliefs or openly support other candidates. Pratt believes the First Amendment only applies to her and her supporters. While all 3 of these candidates have attacked others in an uncivil way, I find no record where Rick Hughes, Brian McClerren or Bob Jarman has done so. In ORCAS ISSUES February 27, 2013 at 9:50 am. “Susan McBain says: “Socialism” means so many things that it means nothing, other than a scare word. (I’ll ignore the use of “communism,” which smacks to me of McCarthyism.).” I’ll get you a dictionary. The rest of your comment does not addressed facts and questions raised but divert the conversation.
I too am looking for civility in the questions, answers and responses. If you believe “civility” means suppressing thoughtful dialogue concerning all of any candidate’s beliefs, past and present, and how they might apply those beliefs in governing our County, then I must challenge your understanding of civil dialogue.
Civilly and respectfully
I too am concerned and saddened concerning the dialogue in this election. Therefore I must take issue with your comments on feelings, intolerance and civility. Any candidates past and current beliefs will affect how they will govern and it is our responsibility as citizens and voters to question those beliefs. Those queries are not “over-the-top feelings” or “all-or-nothing intolerance”, but the questions of concerned citizens seeking truth and information in a civil dialogue.
For example, in response to presenting facts concerning Lisa Byers stated beliefs past and current, I and others have been referred to as “smear-tactic”, “Joe McCarthy Era”, “inaccurate and inflammatory” and “mud-slinging and innuendo.” The last 2 come from Byers herself. Jamie Stevens considers questioning facts about the CAO as “fear mongering.” At the forum last Saturday both Pratt and Stevens outwardly attacked those who publicly question their beliefs or openly support other candidates. Pratt believes the First Amendment only applies to her and her supporters. While all 3 of these candidates have attacked others in an uncivil way, I find no record where Rick Hughes, Brian McClerren or Bob Jarman has done so. In ORCAS ISSUES February 27, 2013 at 9:50 am. “Susan McBain says: “Socialism” means so many things that it means nothing, other than a scare word. (I’ll ignore the use of “communism,” which smacks to me of McCarthyism.).” I’ll get you a dictionary. The rest of your comment does not addressed facts and questions raised but divert the conversation.
I too am looking for civility in the questions, answers and responses. If you believe “civility” means suppressing thoughtful dialogue concerning all of any candidate’s beliefs, past and present, and how they might apply those beliefs in governing our County, then I must challenge your understanding of civil dialogue.
Civilly and respectfully
Hmm, I
didn’t mention Lisa at all in this post. And no one in Lisa’s campaign
mentioned communism or socialism; others mentioned those labels in referring to
her. If it’s issues and beliefs that are under discussion, yes, let’s have open
dialog, but on the issues. For example, “What is your position on regulations
that affect property rights?” Not “Are you a socialist?”
addressed civility in your post. A civility you had already violated as had
Lisa Byers. Lisa started this with an attack on an e-mail that rightfully
questioned statements she made in a video as to how she arrived at the OPAL
Community Land Trust model. The people she quotes and the organizations she is
involved with in building this model certainly raise this as a valid question.
Instead of directly answering the concerns of the voters about her beliefs and the CLT model specifically, Lisa and the rest of her supporters have attacked the persons posing the queries, your comments being among them. “No one in Lisa’s campaign mentioned communism or socialism; others mentioned those labels in referring to her.” That is correct. It is also correct that neither she nor anyone in her campaign has yet to directly explain her long held career beliefs which point directly to those claims. Need a dictionary?
“What is your position on regulations that affect property rights?” Lisa this past weekend said that she approved the San Juan County Democratic Party endorsing her because she wanted the rest of the county to know in general where she was coming from in a “non-partisan” election. She said that would give them a sense of how she would govern. AMEN. That is exactly the point.
You wrote, “Yes, let’s have open dialog, but on the issues.” For example, “Lisa, in your speech to the NEI you state that the model for OPAL Community Land Trust is developed by you and others who believe individuals do not have a right to privately own land. In light of that and your affiliation with organizations who are committed to the ‘New Global Economy’ through communal, instead of individual land rights reform, what is your position on regulations that affect property rights? In other words Ms. Byers, even though you now claim you believe in the private ownership of land, will you push and/or pass regulations like the CAO and its strict enforcement to effectively suppress the land owner’s rights?”
Yes, I too welcome this discussion Susan.
Instead of directly answering the concerns of the voters about her beliefs and the CLT model specifically, Lisa and the rest of her supporters have attacked the persons posing the queries, your comments being among them. “No one in Lisa’s campaign mentioned communism or socialism; others mentioned those labels in referring to her.” That is correct. It is also correct that neither she nor anyone in her campaign has yet to directly explain her long held career beliefs which point directly to those claims. Need a dictionary?
“What is your position on regulations that affect property rights?” Lisa this past weekend said that she approved the San Juan County Democratic Party endorsing her because she wanted the rest of the county to know in general where she was coming from in a “non-partisan” election. She said that would give them a sense of how she would govern. AMEN. That is exactly the point.
You wrote, “Yes, let’s have open dialog, but on the issues.” For example, “Lisa, in your speech to the NEI you state that the model for OPAL Community Land Trust is developed by you and others who believe individuals do not have a right to privately own land. In light of that and your affiliation with organizations who are committed to the ‘New Global Economy’ through communal, instead of individual land rights reform, what is your position on regulations that affect property rights? In other words Ms. Byers, even though you now claim you believe in the private ownership of land, will you push and/or pass regulations like the CAO and its strict enforcement to effectively suppress the land owner’s rights?”
Yes, I too welcome this discussion Susan.
Fear Monguring You Say? Yes You are David!
I often comment on the uncivil, rude, abusive, misleading or false way people, who cannot win with rational reasoning supported by accurate and documented facts, choose to frame the debate with emotion in hopes the uninformed will back their side.
The following letter in the San Juan Journal is just such an example and the rebuttal comment defines it in makes the point.
I’m certain you will enjoy short the read.
A Letter to the editor in the Islands Sounder opinion/letters/202747981.html
Response Comment:
Don John Pencil · Pacific Christian College
The following letter in the San Juan Journal is just such an example and the rebuttal comment defines it in makes the point.
I’m certain you will enjoy short the read.
A Letter to the editor in the Islands Sounder
Be wary of those touting ‘Trust’ | Letter
Voters of San Juan County need to be aware of, and wary of, TrustIslanders!, a local political action committee trying to buy our April 23 elections for County Council with the support of wealthy donors. It’s the first time a local PAC has been formed to influence our county elections. If it’s successful, it will set a terrible precedent for our community. PACs are organizations formed to circumvent the intent of campaign finance laws.
They may be legal, but are they democratic and ethical? To answer that question, one needs look no further than to the PACs in last year’s national elections formed by the likes of Karl Rove. According to the fundraising request posted by the chairwoman of the San Juan County Republican Party on its website on March 9, TrustIslanders! is raising up to $25,000 for countywide mailings and advertisements endorsing its candidates for the April 23 election to the new County Council. This partisan political campaign is deceptively clever, centered on the words “trust” and “fear”. We are told to trust whomever TrustIslanders! supports and to fear everyone else. It uses fear tactics to pit friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor! These are not our community values.
Most of the founders and supporters of TrustIslanders! are supporters of the SJC County Republican Party and the Common Sense Alliance. The latter is not permitted by law to endorse candidates itself. TrustIslanders! is a clever way for its supporters to circumvent this prohibition.Donors to the campaigns for county council in our April 23 election cannot give more than $900 to any one candidate. However, Royce Meyerott and Browne’s Home Center have already donated $2,000 each to TrustIslanders!, according to the state Public Disclosure Commission website. Fourteen other wealthy donors have given $500 each. TrustIslanders! claims to be non-partisan because it has a few supporters who claim to be Democrats. However, almost all PACs by definition are partisan. Why else would it be raising $25,000 to influence our upcoming elections?
Beware of people and organizations who say “just trust me”. And be sure to vote on April 23.
David Dehlendorf
San Juan Island
Most of the founders and supporters of TrustIslanders! are supporters of the SJC County Republican Party and the Common Sense Alliance. The latter is not permitted by law to endorse candidates itself. TrustIslanders! is a clever way for its supporters to circumvent this prohibition.Donors to the campaigns for county council in our April 23 election cannot give more than $900 to any one candidate. However, Royce Meyerott and Browne’s Home Center have already donated $2,000 each to TrustIslanders!, according to the state Public Disclosure Commission website. Fourteen other wealthy donors have given $500 each. TrustIslanders! claims to be non-partisan because it has a few supporters who claim to be Democrats. However, almost all PACs by definition are partisan. Why else would it be raising $25,000 to influence our upcoming elections?
Beware of people and organizations who say “just trust me”. And be sure to vote on April 23.
David Dehlendorf
San Juan Island
Response Comment:
Don John Pencil · Pacific Christian College
David, while protesting the views and comments of others you frequently use words like “scary” and “fear.” Yet most of your comments are designed and articulated to promote fear.
Just this one quote from your current letter proves the point:
“This partisan political campaign is deceptively clever, centered on the words “trust” and “fear”. We are told to trust whomever TrustIslanders! supports and to fear everyone else. It uses fear tactics to pit friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor These are not our community values!”.
Fear of those individuals and groups who see things differently than you do. You rail against those whose values are truly noble. In them runs a deep and compassionate love of their fellow citizens and community. Day after day I watch these wonderful patriots express their passion and views for this C...ounty with love and civility. While on the other hand, day after day I read rude and uncivil personal attacks on their good names and organizations. Rarely, in my experience, have you come to this table to state your case with respect, supported by accurate fact or a desire for an informed exchange of ideas.
“They may be legal, but are they democratic and ethical?” Absolutely! Grouping like-minded people together to support candidates and causes has always been the way. There are many examples here in SJC and around the world. Unions, nonprofits and many other types of organizations band together to raise awareness for their issues, raise funds to support the cause and get the message out.
I personally see this only as an attempt by you to silence or without merit discredit citizens of this County who are only exercising the rights guaranteed them under the First Amendment.
“Most of the founders and supporters of TrustIslanders! are supporters of the SJC County Republican Party and the Common Sense Alliance.” Okay, so what?
“The latter is not permitted by law to endorse candidates itself.” That’s right and it doesn’t. What your point?
Just this one quote from your current letter proves the point:
“This partisan political campaign is deceptively clever, centered on the words “trust” and “fear”. We are told to trust whomever TrustIslanders! supports and to fear everyone else. It uses fear tactics to pit friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor These are not our community values!”.
Fear of those individuals and groups who see things differently than you do. You rail against those whose values are truly noble. In them runs a deep and compassionate love of their fellow citizens and community. Day after day I watch these wonderful patriots express their passion and views for this C...ounty with love and civility. While on the other hand, day after day I read rude and uncivil personal attacks on their good names and organizations. Rarely, in my experience, have you come to this table to state your case with respect, supported by accurate fact or a desire for an informed exchange of ideas.
“They may be legal, but are they democratic and ethical?” Absolutely! Grouping like-minded people together to support candidates and causes has always been the way. There are many examples here in SJC and around the world. Unions, nonprofits and many other types of organizations band together to raise awareness for their issues, raise funds to support the cause and get the message out.
I personally see this only as an attempt by you to silence or without merit discredit citizens of this County who are only exercising the rights guaranteed them under the First Amendment.
“Most of the founders and supporters of TrustIslanders! are supporters of the SJC County Republican Party and the Common Sense Alliance.” Okay, so what?
“The latter is not permitted by law to endorse candidates itself.” That’s right and it doesn’t. What your point?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Fig Leaf for the Islands? by Royce Meyerott/San Juan Island
Lets look at the CAO from a metaphorical point of view. Most of us think of our islands as living art and wish to preserve and protect it. Imagine a new Washington legislative body by the name of Citizens Art Organization or CAO. The CAO mandates how all artwork in the state is to be preserved. One of their requirements is that all art must be kept clean and that the procedures for cleaning must be updated in writing every five years.
Now lets assume that our islands are Michelangelo's marble sculpture "David". Our recent County Council took very seriously the cleaning of the sculpture and under the cloak of meeting the CAO requirements, they also decided to have its genitals removed. When asked why this was necessary, we were told that their presence might offend somebody. When asked for evidence that somebody had been offended, we were told that they had to use the "precautionary principle"-- just in case someone in the future might find the genitals offensive, they have to be removed.
The decision of the Council was quite controversial. When critically questioned about their course of action, they proceeded to talk about how simple the procedure would be and that they had hired the best "restorationist" in the world to perform the removal. They always directed the conversation away from the act that was about to take place and the consequences to the island body that it would bring with it.
In a very real sense, the recently past CAO's will have a similar effect on the "charm" of the islands. Many of the buildings, landmarks, harbors, and businesses that draw people here would not be allowed under the new CAO's. Examples are Doe Bay restaurant and resort, Orcas Pottery, Orcas ferry landing, the old cannery at Jackson beach, Snug Harbor, Roche harbor, San Juan County park, Shipyard Cove, Rosario Resort, Duck Soup restaurant, many small home businesses, art studios---you can all add to the list.
An alternative to the fast approaching amputation is a community with Trust as its foundation. I urge all for my island neighbors to vote for a County Council that actually Trusts you. For more information:
Royce Meyerott/San Juan Island
Now lets assume that our islands are Michelangelo's marble sculpture "David". Our recent County Council took very seriously the cleaning of the sculpture and under the cloak of meeting the CAO requirements, they also decided to have its genitals removed. When asked why this was necessary, we were told that their presence might offend somebody. When asked for evidence that somebody had been offended, we were told that they had to use the "precautionary principle"-- just in case someone in the future might find the genitals offensive, they have to be removed.
The decision of the Council was quite controversial. When critically questioned about their course of action, they proceeded to talk about how simple the procedure would be and that they had hired the best "restorationist" in the world to perform the removal. They always directed the conversation away from the act that was about to take place and the consequences to the island body that it would bring with it.
In a very real sense, the recently past CAO's will have a similar effect on the "charm" of the islands. Many of the buildings, landmarks, harbors, and businesses that draw people here would not be allowed under the new CAO's. Examples are Doe Bay restaurant and resort, Orcas Pottery, Orcas ferry landing, the old cannery at Jackson beach, Snug Harbor, Roche harbor, San Juan County park, Shipyard Cove, Rosario Resort, Duck Soup restaurant, many small home businesses, art studios---you can all add to the list.
An alternative to the fast approaching amputation is a community with Trust as its foundation. I urge all for my island neighbors to vote for a County Council that actually Trusts you. For more information:
Royce Meyerott/San Juan Island
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
From the San Juan District,
It is clear Bob Jarman places high value on protecting the rural quality of life in the San Juan Islands. His focus is on preserving what is special about the island life style and natural environment. Bob is not a polished speaker but one could not miss the sincerity of his commitment to the people of the islands and our rural values.
Bob’s opponent, Lovel Pratt seemed focused well beyond the boundaries of San Juan County. She references seeking State and Federal grant money for this or that, and her enthusiasm for working the legislative halls of Olympia and beyond, promoting or protesting a variety of issues. Lovel says that she listens. Unfortunately most who have talked with her on important community issues feel she may listen but doesn’t hear. She was the principal advocate for passing the Critical Areas Ordinance that today has our citizens and the County courthouse tied in knots.
From the Lopez District,
Jamie Stephens is a bit of a puzzle as a candidate and sitting Councilman. He is a likable and amenable, but when it comes to Council responsibilities he hangs back on choosing a coarse of action. It is hard to assign a viewpoint or opinion that he stands for. He was consistent in his support of Lovel and Howie’s notions when they served together on the prior Council. He guided and voted for the Critical Areas Ordinance that is such a complex mess that implementing it is being delayed again.
Brian McClerren brings a new and positive dynamic to this election. He is a young man with a young family, and a small business on Lopez. He is focused on how to make the islands a welcoming place for young families and on preserving the rural character and lifestyle of the islands. He has a clear understanding of what one would call “island values” of being good neighbors, being good stewards of the environment and allowing for the diversity and independence that has been a hallmark of island life. He is new to the island’s political scene and has obviously done his homework. He has zeroed in on key areas where our local government is doing well and recognizes areas where it can be improved.
From Orcas Island,
Lisa Byers is a good speaker and has a deserved reputation of organizing and managing the large non-profit OPAL. She generally supports the Critical Areas Ordinance. While she has some suggestions for implementing the Ordinance, she seems willing to gloss over the many reasons the new Ordinance will be a problem for property owners and for the County to administer. She is confident she has the ability to reach consensus on difficult local issues?
Rick Hughes has a strong sense of the importance of a functioning local economy that provides jobs and opportunities for island families. He recognizes the importance of making government work better for our citizens in terms of being helpful as opposed to a hinderance. He stresses that the rules and regulations that are necessary be clearly written and understandable. He has a strong background in management.
As a voter, I believe that Rick Hughes, Bob Jarman and Brian McClerren are the best choices for directing our County government in a manner that maintains our rural values, respects the residents of the islands and preserves the natural environment; the combination that makes the San Juan Islands such a remarkable place to live.
John Evans
SUPPORT RICK HUGHES - Clyde and April Duke
We were very happy to see the Islands’ Sounder and the San Juan Journal endorse Rick Hughes for county council. He has remained true to his promise to be an independent representative in our local government. Despite other candidates accepting partisan support from the majority party in this state, which in all honesty has to come with some influence from that party, Hughes refused to play the partisan card when offered and even the PAC card. In all three elections he has maintained his independent status.
Like many of you, we moved here for the opportunity to raise our family in an environment where it didn’t matter what brand of jeans you wore (a 1980’s problem), where you came from originally or what your beliefs were. We were attracted here by the beauty but stayed because of the lovely community of hard working, generous and independent people like Rick Hughes. You don’t move here if you require many government services. You prefer to do things yourself and with the cooperation of your neighbors because it makes you feel great and strengthens you and the bonds within your community.
Rick has shown by example what he believes are values that help strengthen a community. He supports an environment where job creation can thrive so our children can afford to raise their families here where they grew up. The remedies and problems in different communities are as different as the communities themselves. As a county of islands we need independent thinkers without undue outside influences to solve the problems unique to this county.
Rick has volunteered in many different areas of our community so has an understanding of its strengths and weaknesses. His positive energy, abilities and emphasis on teamwork have improved the Farmer’s Market, many school organizations, the Food Bank, the EPRC and other community endeavors. He hit the ground running in his county position. Join us in helping him maintain the momentum. Please help unite our community with a vote for Rick Hughes.
Clyde and April Duke
I have broken out some of the statements from the original
complaint registered in your publication as by Lisa Byers. I have addressed
each of these breakouts with the responses or lack of by Lisa Byers and/or her
supporters. It is not my intention to “hammer” Lisa Byers. If there is a
conclusion to her remarks other than the one the e-mailer and/or others have
come to so be it and let’s hear it. To date I am taking the lack of response
from Ms. Byers or her representative as a political dodge. She has e-mailed me
and promised she would respond and to date has not.
The NEW ECONOMICS INSTITUTE, at who whose conference Lisa
spoke, is out for a new world economic system. That is their stated goal. That new economic system is well defined in
history and in any dictionary. As it has otherwise failed throughout history,
the current movement is now being cloaked in “CONSERVATION” to achieve its
goal. You may not have the time, but a review of that Institute and all of the
related organizations will show this to be the case.
If Lisa Byers can win the election on the truth then so be
it. But all of the voters have the right to know the truth about all of the
candidates including good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth. Hopefully this is not just a popularity contest.
“To assign a
political philosophy to me based on that talk is inaccurate and inflammatory.”
That is only true if the assigned political philosophy is not true based on the facts in evidence in the video.
That is only true if the assigned political philosophy is not true based on the facts in evidence in the video.
"After watching this video I'm not sure if Lisa is a
socialist or communist."
Review her statements in the video and the above comment becomes a reasonable query.
Combine these statements with those of her fellow presenter, the mission statements of the organization and supporting organizations and you can define her political philosophy without much trouble. Match all of that with definitions of the words used in the e-mail and the query becomes not only reasonable but rock solid.
Review her statements in the video and the above comment becomes a reasonable query.
Combine these statements with those of her fellow presenter, the mission statements of the organization and supporting organizations and you can define her political philosophy without much trouble. Match all of that with definitions of the words used in the e-mail and the query becomes not only reasonable but rock solid.
“For the
record, the video is from a talk I gave about the history of the ideas that led
to the current day community land trust model for providing affordable
This is true. What Lisa fails to mention is that she subscribes to the resultant political philosophy. When you review her statements in light of political philosophy as well OPAL Community Land Trust you will find her statements in her “letter to the editor” rather deceptive.
I have grown tired of my comments being referred to as “McCarthyism.” Therefore, I will not personally reflect upon her political philosophy as communism. I will refer you to any and all dictionaries for a definition of the terms used in the e-mail.
This is true. What Lisa fails to mention is that she subscribes to the resultant political philosophy. When you review her statements in light of political philosophy as well OPAL Community Land Trust you will find her statements in her “letter to the editor” rather deceptive.
I have grown tired of my comments being referred to as “McCarthyism.” Therefore, I will not personally reflect upon her political philosophy as communism. I will refer you to any and all dictionaries for a definition of the terms used in the e-mail.
“What concerns
me is the effect that viral emails with misinformation have on the culture of
our community.”
What misinformation? Lisa conveniently never tells the audience what that is. Here is an end run where she has attacked the messenger and not addressed and/or defended the statements the e-mail is referring to. If fact, to date neither she nor her supporters have actually done so.
What misinformation? Lisa conveniently never tells the audience what that is. Here is an end run where she has attacked the messenger and not addressed and/or defended the statements the e-mail is referring to. If fact, to date neither she nor her supporters have actually done so.
5. “I have found again and again that civil interactions with
people, whether they agree or disagree with me, broaden my understanding and
strengthen my connections.”
After the posting of this complaint in the
3 local publications, no less than 4 individuals have requested “civil
interactions” with Ms. Byers on her statements and political philosophy as
expressed in the video, so that we may all broaden our understanding and
strengthen our connections. To date Ms. Byers and/or her representatives
and supporters have not responded.
“If you read
something about a candidate, ask yourself if the source is authenticated.”
It was.
It was.
7. “…consider replying to the person and suggesting that he or she
verify facts.”
We did. So far nothing.
8. “If you wish to learn more about me, or any of the candidates,
contact us directly”
I did and got an email back saying she
would address this with me and never has.
9. “Let’s debate
the issues and examine candidates’ actual qualifications, not engage in
mud-slinging and innuendo.”
Read all the posts on your
publication, San Juan Journal and Orcas Issues and see if you can find where
Lisa or her supporters debates the actual statements she made or responds to it
in light of “candidates’ actual qualifications.” She and they only offer
campaign speeches on what a great leader and manager she is and never on how
she would govern in view of the beliefs stated in the video.
You will find
however, other than the use of the terms socialism and communism, which are the
political philosophies Ms. Byers is defining in her speech in the video, that
beginning with Ms. Byers all mud-slinging and innuendo has come from her and
her supporters.
A breakdown of the
letter to the editor in the San Juan Journal dated March 5, 2013.
"I believe that government has a limited,
but important role to play in society. Government is not the answer for
resolving many of society’s needs. Many needs are best addressed through
volunteer efforts, or by for-profit or non-profit businesses."
This is the communal approach veiled.
What is the limited role government plays? Which of society’s needs is government not the answer for?
What needs are best addressed through volunteer efforts, for-profit or nonprofit businesses?
As you will see throughout this document her responses are vague and obviously applicable to anyone anywhere. One must ask, who controls which agency listed above and is responsible for what needs? One can apply the above definition to a government that controls most of the needs and dictates who gets what; then allowing the private agencies little involvement in minor needs while still under great government control. This is as opposed to the limited role of government and the private agencies exercising the most control over meeting the public needs.
What is the limited role government plays? Which of society’s needs is government not the answer for?
What needs are best addressed through volunteer efforts, for-profit or nonprofit businesses?
As you will see throughout this document her responses are vague and obviously applicable to anyone anywhere. One must ask, who controls which agency listed above and is responsible for what needs? One can apply the above definition to a government that controls most of the needs and dictates who gets what; then allowing the private agencies little involvement in minor needs while still under great government control. This is as opposed to the limited role of government and the private agencies exercising the most control over meeting the public needs.
"When we, as a community, grapple with an
issue, I believe that government is well-suited for convening people, setting
common goals, and then developing incentives to implement solutions. I believe
that some of our best innovations have come about through thoughtful
collaboration between government and individuals working through for-profit and
non-profit businesses."
Again she comments in vague wide-open
style. As we have proven over and over again in this County we are very capable
of convening the citizenry without the help of the government when we desire to
do so. What are these common goals? Developing what kind of incentives? It
makes a difference. Will these be the goals and incentives that lead us down a
path of freedom in the exercise of our common rights or will they be of a type
that leads us away from those freedoms and rights and down the path of extreme
"When we choose to adopt regulations, they
should be designed so that businesses that follow the rules may thrive, and
property owners may have flexibility in how they use their property. One of the
challenges of government is that regulations stay on the books after they are
no longer useful, thus becoming an impediment. We must be diligent about
pruning out old rules that no longer serve us."
When we adopt regulations? Lisa Byers has a
very long history and track record of wanting to apply regulations. Those that
follow the rules may thrive and may have flexibility. Thrive and
have flexibility by what standard? According to the speech Lisa Byers made to
the NEI in June 2012 that would be an extreme socialist view of and flexibility
and thriving. Keep in mind that how much you can thrive on your property and
how much flexibility you have on your property are very controlled by the
community land trust model Lisa lives by. Privately, not of too much concern,
but Lisa Byers is no longer seeking to leave her beliefs in the private domain.
"It is very important to me that government
officials recognize that uncertainty has a significant detrimental effect on
business and residential development. The length of time that it took this
county to get through the required update to the Critical Areas Ordinance is a
case in point. Nine years is too long. The uncertainty had very real economic
Yes and it would’ve been much stricter and
moved forward much faster had Byers been in control. Remember, the new approach
nationally and worldwide to extreme socialism and/or communism is
environmentalism. Ms. Byers is an extreme environmentalist.
"Mike, you say that you have made a living
in the islands without government help. I have a feeling that you don’t mean that
in the literal sense. You travel on roads and ferries. You know kids or have
kids who have gone to school and gotten an education. You’ve probably used maps
and weather forecasts. You’ve had a clinic or hospital to help you through an
illness or accident. Put simply, at some point, you’ve been helped by your
neighbors. And government is, at its most simple, one of the ways that we come
together to make our society function."
Friends, is Obama ringing in your ears? You
didn’t make that did you? Note the last sentence. “And government is, at its
most simple, one of the ways that we come together to make our society
function.” Actually not bad if you’re a freedom loving American capitalist who
believes in limited government. Otherwise, this is socialism plus.
Please note there are also several things implied here. Mike is referring to the fact that he has made a living here without “government assistance (government handout).” Everyone uses all of the facilities listed above. These are not government handouts; these are local, state and national resources available to everyone at any time. The government help Mike is referring to is not available to everyone as are the conveniences and necessities she lists above. Very deceptive of her!
Please note there are also several things implied here. Mike is referring to the fact that he has made a living here without “government assistance (government handout).” Everyone uses all of the facilities listed above. These are not government handouts; these are local, state and national resources available to everyone at any time. The government help Mike is referring to is not available to everyone as are the conveniences and necessities she lists above. Very deceptive of her!
"I know what it is like to work hard, save
money, and buy property. I know how scary it can be to think that you won’t be
able to provide for your kids. I know how difficult it is when you’ve been
running your business successfully, but then the rules change and you have to
change in order to survive, let alone thrive. You wrote in your letter that you
thought my response to an issue was cavalier. I’m sorry you got that
impression. I think that people who work with me would tell you that is not
their experience of me. I think they would say that I am thoughtful and
balanced. I hope that you will give me the opportunity to re-shape that
Cavalier? I do not know. But I do know she
will change the rules if elected and we will all have to worry about surviving
instead of thriving. She says her friends will tell you she is not Cavalier. No
kidding, they are of the same mindset she is. By the way, has she ever owned
property independent of a community land trust? I’m sure she is thoughtful and
balanced. I’m confident she has a very thoughtful and balanced approach to
"My work has involved hiring people and
worrying about making payroll. I have taken risks in order to keep people
employed, because I know that without a job they would suffer, and they might
move away. We need good jobs, with good wages in our community so that people
may thrive."
Ms. Byers says, “we need good jobs, good
wages in our community so that people may thrive.” Really, why didn’t any of us
think of that? Again note that is Byers is not responsible for producing a
product that meets this payroll, it comes from mostly donations and grants.
It’s a good thing she’s a smooth talker.
"I think our economy in San Juan County is
transitioning. We will continue to rely on construction and tourism, while at
the same time there are more people employed here who are exporting their ideas
and creativity. They are writers, artists, scientists, educators, consultants,
and more. This is a place where people come to relax, to learn, and to be
inspired. The more we can capitalize on that—by continuing to value this unique
environment—the more our economy will thrive."
“I think our economy in San Juan County is
transitioning.” Now everyone must ask, “Transitioning to what?” Remember that
it has been shown before that she is an economic environmentalist and
conservationist bent on social and economic justice and equity for all. You
need to go back and review what Lisa Byers means by “economic justice and
equity.” With that in mind go back and read the last line of the above
paragraph and while holding that thought move on to the following paragraph.
"I believe that we do need regulations to
protect our environment. That is a consequence of having more people. I believe
that the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) passed by the county council last
December was a valid attempt, within the requirements of existing state law, to
find a way to allow property owners as much flexibility as possible. However,
it is important with any regulation that we understand how it works in real
life. We need to gather case studies of on-the-ground experience, and then make
changes to improve the application and predictability of regulations. Within
the context of state law, we should strive to make regulations as clear,
consistent and as flexible as possible. If state law makes that impossible, we
should work together to change state law."
As you can see, the above paragraph is
mostly vague, sound bite election speech. It doesn’t really tell us much about
the direction she would like to see this go and the “flexibility” is mostly
hers. It does sound like we are in a lot more bureaucracy if she is elected.
"Finally, I believe that my work experience
makes me very well suited to be a county council member. I have worked with
others to build housing for almost 5% of Orcas Island’s year-round population.
The construction of that housing created jobs, and the finished product—the
houses—provide a home for many people who work at jobs we depend upon on a
daily basis"
17 years of work experience for a private
organization with a deep foundation in socialism is not the experience we need
in a person “very well-suited to be a County Council member.” Although one
should have no complaint with her or anyone else “privately” making these
opportunities available to some it is not an agenda we want a County leader
bringing to the table.
"Through collaboration, hard work and
innovation, I have led an organization, using a using a mix of private and
public financing, to do something that many thought was not possible. I hope I
am able to bring those same skills of hard work and collaborative problem
solving to the county council"
I leave you to
consider what economic and political philosophies she will use these skills and
work hard to achieve. Lisa Byers has a very clear and long track record for all
to view.
I have tried to expose many of the questions everyone should be asking, or better yet demanding, Lisa Byers directly, specifically and factually respond to concerning her publicly stated and deep-rooted beliefs in socialism. Everyone needs to insist she speak directly exactly what she has said in those videos.
The exposure of this track record is beginning to get some traction throughout the County. I hope you will take the time to reflect on the above “song and dance” she continues to present to the public and the deception that lies therein. She is getting a lot of traction and passes in the local liberal press as we all would expect. Please encourage everyone to write articles and letters demanding her specific and explicit public responses to the socialist views she states in the videos. She states that this speech and the views held in them are the “model” for OPAL Community Land Trust.
I have tried to expose many of the questions everyone should be asking, or better yet demanding, Lisa Byers directly, specifically and factually respond to concerning her publicly stated and deep-rooted beliefs in socialism. Everyone needs to insist she speak directly exactly what she has said in those videos.
The exposure of this track record is beginning to get some traction throughout the County. I hope you will take the time to reflect on the above “song and dance” she continues to present to the public and the deception that lies therein. She is getting a lot of traction and passes in the local liberal press as we all would expect. Please encourage everyone to write articles and letters demanding her specific and explicit public responses to the socialist views she states in the videos. She states that this speech and the views held in them are the “model” for OPAL Community Land Trust.
On Orcas Island we have the makings of an opportunity to get
at least “something” done on the issue of mental health and therefore improving
the safety and well-being of all our citizens both young and old. In late
February a citizen’s consensus group of about 35 diverse individuals met to
discuss just that. A few wanted only to take the most extreme application of
total gun ban possible locally and nationally as well as publicly condemning
United States as a violent nation which inflicts and promotes violence, death
and destruction on the children and citizens of the world. Fortunately, the
sane minds in the group prevailed and the consensus document focused mainly on
mental health issues which are the cause of violence in the home, workplace,
schools and public places.
Thanks to Margi Doyle of “Orcas Issues,” a series of
community monthly meetings hosted by her and Undersheriff Bruce Distler have
proven to be a great success. The first meeting in February focused on meeting
several of our outstanding local deputies, overall community safety and how law
enforcement deals with mental health issues in general here on Orcas Island.
The second meeting held this month focused on mental health and included
individual, private, County, law enforcement and state involvement with an
emphasis on funding. A great cross-section of concerned private citizens,
mental health workers, psychiatrists and psychologists, County Council member
Rick Hughes, local educators and others brought a great deal of insight to the
Q&A discussion.
In evidence was the fact that there are several wonderful
organizations and programs currently in place as well as many waiting in the
wings to be implemented. The hard struck reality is funding for these
organizations and programs (federal, state, county or private) is nowhere near
enough. I am truly hopeful that this discussion, when it resumes next month,
will focus on some hard-core brainstorming as to what it takes to achieve
funding for these wonderful people, their mission and programs.
For those that want the emotional, quick and easy “I feel
good because I’ve done something about it” without much effort approach, some
sort of gun-control legislation seems to be the answer. As history has proven,
gun bans or controls do not reduce violence. In some cases, gun bans increase
violence. What truly reduces violence is good mental health. Mentally
well-adjusted citizens do not commit violent acts. Dysfunctional citizens
commit violent acts with our without guns. Cities, counties and states in our country
with the most restrictive gun controls have the highest violence rates. The
same with a heavily armed and informed citizenry have the least.
Therefore, where will we have the greatest opportunity to
achieve safety and well-being all of our citizens? In the 21st
century, as experienced in the latter half of the 21st century, the
mental health of all our societies is becoming increasingly problematic.
Everyday more people are becoming more disconnected, dysfunctional and hopeless
in an age of technology and information they cannot possibly keep up with.
Regardless of our efforts this gap will no doubt only continue to grow. That
thought in mind, is the future hopeless? I think not. The answer is in good
mental health focused on realities and not pipedreams.
Pray tell, how will we achieve good mental health in both
the individual and community? Well, that is a really good and huge question.
Understand without equivocation that it will begin, continue and end with
rational thought and not emotionally driven principles. Know within the deepest
recesses of your heart and mind that without a large amount of sacrifice and
funding from all of us, nothing will be achieved.
Please join the conversation at the next community meeting
with Undersheriff Distler and Margi Doyle. Bring a friend, relative or
neighbor. Support the mental health of our community financially, publicly and
it everywhere you can. If you do, it is a true win-win.
Review the ledger.
Lisa Byers, narrow limited focus of professional and personal experience.
been employed by “for-profit” organization/company. ALL NONPROFIT: OPAL COMMUNITY LAND
TRUST, Eastsound, WA Executive
Director, 1996 – Present. SAN JUAN COUNTY LAND BANK, Friday Harbor, WA Program Assistant/Stewardship Manager,
1994-1996. HISTORIC NEW ENGLAND, Boston, MA Manager of Farm Properties and Environmental Projects, 1991-1994,
Properties Administrator, 1989-1991, Assistant to the Executive Director,
1987-1989,Administrative Assistant, Conservation Center, 1985-1987 CHARLES
CEIP Internship, 1984-1985.
volunteer activities:
Solid Waste Vendor Selection
Committee, 2012;San Juan Initiative, 2007-2010; Co-founder and Director,
National Community Land Trust Network, 2006-Present (President 2006-2008);
Co-Founder and Advisory Board Member, National Community Land Trust Academy, 2006-2012; Co-founder and Trustee, Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition, 2004-2006; Appointed Member, Eastsound Planning Review Comm., 1998-2006 (Chairperson 2001-2003 & 2005-2006); Member, Madrona Point Stewards, 1998-2000; Director, Boston Preservation Alliance, 1991-1994; Research Historian, Berkshire Museum, 1988; Preservation Advocate, Springside Preservation, 1983-1985.
Co-Founder and Advisory Board Member, National Community Land Trust Academy, 2006-2012; Co-founder and Trustee, Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition, 2004-2006; Appointed Member, Eastsound Planning Review Comm., 1998-2006 (Chairperson 2001-2003 & 2005-2006); Member, Madrona Point Stewards, 1998-2000; Director, Boston Preservation Alliance, 1991-1994; Research Historian, Berkshire Museum, 1988; Preservation Advocate, Springside Preservation, 1983-1985.
EDUCATION: BOSTON UNIVERSITY, School of Management, Boston,
M.B.A. in Public and Non-Profit Management, May 1991.
M.B.A. in Public and Non-Profit Management, May 1991.
range of business and personal experience.
Hughes family has been on Orcas
Island since 1944. Wife Marlace, fifth-generation Orcas Islander.
Executive ESPN, National Outdoor Leadership School graduate, national board member Outward Bound Wilderness, owner Ray's Pharmacy and General Store, helped develop San Juan Country Drug Take-Back Program, local property management group president, Treasurer Eastsound Water Users Association, Treasurer Orcas Island Farmers Market Association, board of Eastsound Planning and Review Committee, Little League coach, Parent Teacher Student Association Co-President, instrumental in bringing Island cattle farms and School Cafeteria Program together, helped produce annual Orcas Island Cider and Mead Festival that raises revenue for Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program, helped with Friday night roller skating, Ray’s Pharmacy completed five-year $5,000 pledge to Orcas Food Bank, Orcas Senior Center Advisory Board and County Board of Health.
Executive ESPN, National Outdoor Leadership School graduate, national board member Outward Bound Wilderness, owner Ray's Pharmacy and General Store, helped develop San Juan Country Drug Take-Back Program, local property management group president, Treasurer Eastsound Water Users Association, Treasurer Orcas Island Farmers Market Association, board of Eastsound Planning and Review Committee, Little League coach, Parent Teacher Student Association Co-President, instrumental in bringing Island cattle farms and School Cafeteria Program together, helped produce annual Orcas Island Cider and Mead Festival that raises revenue for Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program, helped with Friday night roller skating, Ray’s Pharmacy completed five-year $5,000 pledge to Orcas Food Bank, Orcas Senior Center Advisory Board and County Board of Health.
NEGATIVES (from local press): Hughes
= 0, Byers = many (read local press in print/online) includes “flip-flops,” nonresponse
to past positions and quotes and attempts at suppression opposition in print.
Lacks understanding of all Orcas residents.
Comment #6 has been removed again.It was comment #3 at about 2 PM on April 9, 2013
Who says the "liberal left" doesn't suppress dialog.
Check this link now and you will find there are only 5 comments, not 6.
The following is a copy/past taken this morning before Margie Doyle, Editor or
Lin McNulty, Managing Editor remove the comment for the second time.
April 8th, 2013
counts! Prior to being elected to the county council 2 years ago, Jamie
Stephens was a Port Commissioner, a substitute teacher at Lopez School, a board
member of several local non-profits including the Lopez Community Land Trust
and Lopez Island Family Resource Center and taught business classes to future
entrepreneurs using his extensive business experiences. He has been a local
community leader for all of the 17 years he and his family have lived on Lopez
Jamie brings a
fresh and positive approach to the council and has been instrumental in
resolving the county’s solid waste issues, developing innovative economic
development opportunities and uses his business background to control the
county budget. He works to protect our communities’ environment and at the same
time helps farmers find new ways to market their products.
Jamie Stephens
deserves to be reelected!
Tom Cowan
Lopez Island
Lopez Island
April 8th, 2013
6 Comments on Letter
to the Editor: Stephens Has Experience That Counts
- Peg Manning says:
counts if it produces results. Both Pratt and Stephens had the opportunity to
move the County forward during the reign of the “old council.” Both have
maintained the status quo of spending beyond the County’s means. Both claim
credit for virtually every positive development in the county, yet the solid
waste issues are not yet resolved (and Lopez and Orcas pretty much did their
own work to get where they are); the County budget is hardly “under control”–it
has a poison pill of 3% growth annually that will require substantial tax hikes
and soon. Shops and businesses in Eastsound and Friday Harbor continue to
close, with little action by County government to reverse that trend. County
management continues to frustrate County employees and citizens alike.
Meanwhile, the old guard continues to propose new spending without methodically
re-evaluating the base $40 million we already spend annually or analyzing the
efficiency of the delivery of services.
want representatives who will ask basic questions and challenge the fundamental
assumptions that have led us to this mire.
am voting for Brian McClerren, a smart, young man with the perspective of
younger residents who are trying to find ways to make a living for their
families in these islands; Bob Jarman, who has lived here for a long time,
managing businesses that had to operate within real budgets, making hard
decisions, and living with the consequences; and Rick Hughes, who understands
the challenges of operating successful island enterprises, and has committed to
focusing the County on customer service.
and Rick were each elected last November and have earned the opportunity to
serve full terms. This is Brian’s first effort at public office, and he has
impressed both young and old among us, not only with his obvious intelligence,
but more important, with his honest, open, and genuine caring for the people of
the County.
for Jarman, Hughes and McClerren to give our County a fresh start!
- Madrona Murphy says:
agree with Tom Cowan and have been particularly impressed with Jamie Stephens’
professionalism as a County Council member. Jamie respects the importance of
the office, and understands that disagreements or criticism of his actions are
political rather than personal. I’ve been able to civilly discuss my concerns
with Jamie and he has continued to act as a professional even when I’ve
disagreed with him. While I’m convinced that Jamie is a good candidate in his
own right, I’m particularly happy to vote for him in light of Brian’s
comparative inexperience and lack of professionalism. My interactions with
Brian have convinced me that he still needs to learn not to treat political
disagreements as personal, a trait that is deeply troubling in a politician. I
am also a young person trying to make a living in the islands and frankly,
Brian’s perspective is foreign to me–I do not believe that he understands the
needs of people like me, or how crucial it is to be a good steward of our
unique environment and I don’t think he has the experience to run our
government. I hope young people in the islands will join me in voting for Jamie
- DON PENCIL says:
votes 5-1 to put off CAO implementation until March of 2014. Stevens is the
only one to vote no.
Once again, he is out of the loop and on the wrong side.
Once again, he is out of the loop and on the wrong side.
- Peg Manning says:
seem to have met a different Brian McClerren than Ms. Murphy reportedly has.
Brian is refreshingly “inexperienced” in professional party politics. Thank
goodness! He is in no way “unprofessional,” however. And he, of all the
candidates, seems least likely to take positions on County issues personally.
While some candidates spend considerable time complaining about how they are
portrayed, Brian focuses on the issues.
is very smart, very hard-working and amazingly energetic, yet is humble and
kind and open to differing opinions. He analyzes issues based on his own
internal values, not a predictable agenda.
have been in Brian’s company on Orcas on a number of occasions when people have
come up to thank him for running and to congratulate him on his excellent
presentations at forums. He has made quite an impression here, and I hope that
he attains his goal of representing the young and “unconnected” in the islands.
- Clyde duke says:
am VERY impressed by both Brian’s maturity (not governed buy solar revolutions)
and his clear direction of critical issues that our community is facing.
Let the best canadate win!!!
Let the best canadate win!!!
- DON PENCIL says:
term “lack of professionalism” is a poor choice as Brian is professional and
will be so as council person. Your disagreement with what kind of professional
is noted. The “experience” and “professionalism” that of Stephens brought SJC
has rendered a CAO that is and will continue to prove a disaster for all. Brian
McClerren has been studying and understanding the CAO whereas it appears
Stephens is still clueless concerning it. Brian frequently points out obvious
and major problems with the CAO that Stephens sees no problem with. This young
man is sharp. He will be good and “professional” for the county. The old guard
has unfortunately proven unworthy brought us to this state of being.
As for, “to learn not to treat political disagreements as personal,” it was Stephens who, in last Saturday’s forum, whined about his “bad press.” Stephens, Pratt and Byers have received a lot of accurate bad press and have done nothing but take it personally. McClerren, Jarman and Hughes are getting excellent press and for good reason. They are the “right choice” candidates coming to the table with excellent, new fresh working solutions to “real” problems. Note also they have no “bad press.”
Stephens, Pratt and Byers have certainly earned what they are getting. Stevens and Pratt, cut from the same cloth. Pratt got bounced last year by her own district. Now time for Stevens to go too
As for, “to learn not to treat political disagreements as personal,” it was Stephens who, in last Saturday’s forum, whined about his “bad press.” Stephens, Pratt and Byers have received a lot of accurate bad press and have done nothing but take it personally. McClerren, Jarman and Hughes are getting excellent press and for good reason. They are the “right choice” candidates coming to the table with excellent, new fresh working solutions to “real” problems. Note also they have no “bad press.”
Stephens, Pratt and Byers have certainly earned what they are getting. Stevens and Pratt, cut from the same cloth. Pratt got bounced last year by her own district. Now time for Stevens to go too
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