Wednesday, April 10, 2013



I have broken out some of the statements from the original complaint registered in your publication as by Lisa Byers. I have addressed each of these breakouts with the responses or lack of by Lisa Byers and/or her supporters. It is not my intention to “hammer” Lisa Byers. If there is a conclusion to her remarks other than the one the e-mailer and/or others have come to so be it and let’s hear it. To date I am taking the lack of response from Ms. Byers or her representative as a political dodge. She has e-mailed me and promised she would respond and to date has not.
The NEW ECONOMICS INSTITUTE, at who whose conference Lisa spoke, is out for a new world economic system. That is their stated goal.  That new economic system is well defined in history and in any dictionary. As it has otherwise failed throughout history, the current movement is now being cloaked in “CONSERVATION” to achieve its goal. You may not have the time, but a review of that Institute and all of the related organizations will show this to be the case.
If Lisa Byers can win the election on the truth then so be it. But all of the voters have the right to know the truth about all of the candidates including good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Hopefully this is not just a popularity contest.
1.      To assign a political philosophy to me based on that talk is inaccurate and inflammatory.”
That is only true if the assigned political philosophy is not true based on the facts in evidence in the video.
2.      "After watching this video I'm not sure if Lisa is a socialist or communist."
Review her statements in the video and the above comment becomes a reasonable query.
Combine these statements with those of her fellow presenter, the mission statements of the organization and supporting organizations and you can define her political philosophy without much trouble. Match all of that with definitions of the words used in the e-mail and the query becomes not only reasonable but rock solid.
3.      For the record, the video is from a talk I gave about the history of the ideas that led to the current day community land trust model for providing affordable housing.”
This is true. What Lisa fails to mention is that she subscribes to the resultant political philosophy. When you review her statements in light of political philosophy as well OPAL Community Land Trust you will find her statements in her “letter to the editor” rather deceptive.
I have grown tired of my comments being referred to as “McCarthyism.” Therefore, I will not personally reflect upon her political philosophy as communism. I will refer you to any and all dictionaries for a definition of the terms used in the e-mail.
4.      What concerns me is the effect that viral emails with misinformation have on the culture of our community.”
What misinformation? Lisa conveniently never tells the audience what that is. Here is an end run where she has attacked the messenger and not addressed and/or defended the statements the e-mail is referring to. If fact, to date neither she nor her supporters have actually done so.
5.      I have found again and again that civil interactions with people, whether they agree or disagree with me, broaden my understanding and strengthen my connections.”
After the posting of this complaint in the 3 local publications, no less than 4 individuals have requested “civil interactions” with Ms. Byers on her statements and political philosophy as expressed in the video, so that we may all broaden our understanding and strengthen our connections. To date Ms. Byers and/or her representatives and supporters have not responded.
6.      If you read something about a candidate, ask yourself if the source is authenticated.”
It was.
7.      “…consider replying to the person and suggesting that he or she verify facts.”
We did. So far nothing.
8.      If you wish to learn more about me, or any of the candidates, contact us directly”
I did and got an email back saying she would address this with me and never has.
9.      “Let’s debate the issues and examine candidates’ actual qualifications, not engage in mud-slinging and innuendo.”
Read all the posts on your publication, San Juan Journal and Orcas Issues and see if you can find where Lisa or her supporters debates the actual statements she made or responds to it in light of “candidates’ actual qualifications.” She and they only offer campaign speeches on what a great leader and manager she is and never on how she would govern in view of the beliefs stated in the video.
You will find however, other than the use of the terms socialism and communism, which are the political philosophies Ms. Byers is defining in her speech in the video, that beginning with Ms. Byers all mud-slinging and innuendo has come from her and her supporters.

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